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  1. international affairs
    Colombia Extends Cease-fire With FARC in Effort to Save Peace DealNegotiations are continuing after voters rejected a peace deal.
  2. columbia
    Student Activists Project ‘Columbia Protects Rapists’ Onto Campus Building“Columbia Protects Rapists” read one of the messages.
  3. school daze
    Columbia Allowing Law Students to Delay Exams“[These] cases have shaken the faith of some in the integrity of the grand jury system and in the law more generally.”
  4. bad ideas
    Columbia Cancels Concert, Solves Campus Assault“We feel strongly that this is a band-aid, not a solution, in the fight against sexual assault on Columbia’s campus.”
  5. Columbia Spectator Prints Name From ‘Rape List’Emma Sulkowicz talks about her decision to go to the police.
  6. sexual assault
    Columbia Graffiti Names ‘Rapists on Campus’The school is promptly having the lists scrubbed.
  7. things that are wrong
    Columbia Finally Changing a Racist FellowshipIt’s only available to whites from Iowa.
  8. this is ivy league
    Columbia Football Player Charged With Hate CrimeChad Washington is only a sophomore too.
  9. college
    Columbia Students Love Nutella, Stealing From Dining HallsIf they start hoarding lobster tails, they definitely have a problem.
  10. school daze
    Columbia Impostor Caught Faking Everything, Advocating Bus Over Subway“Rhea Sen” is not an Ivy League freshman but a bizarre 26-year-old.
  11. ink-stained wretches
    Jonah Lehrer Can Always Fall Back on PoetryAnother side effect of a plagiarism scandal: your undergrad poems revealed.
  12. crimes and misdemeanors
    Three Men Killed by Gunshot in BMW Parked Near Columbia UniversityInvestigators believe that the shots were fired from inside the vehicle.
  13. media
    Helen Gurley Brown Puts $30 Million Toward Saving JournalismThe legendary ‘Cosmo’ editor is making a huge donation to Columbia and Stanford.
  14. crimes and misdemeanors
    Thieves Targeting Columbia Students Only Want iPhonesTake your Droid and BlackBerry and shove it.
  15. higher learning
    Former Deputy Mayor Quits Columbia Class, TooBloomberg’s buddy says “it wasn’t the right time” to teach.
  16. school daze
    Columbia Drug-Ring Leader Sentenced to JailHarrison David will spend three to six months at Rikers.
  17. ink-stained wretches
    Selling Your Soul for $124 Per Tweet, and Other Lessons of Digital JournalismApparently, it’s hard to make money online!