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Commencement Speeches

  1. potus
    Obama Is Sorry You’re Stuck at Home ‘Playing Board Games or Watching Tiger KingWatch his commencement speech for the class of 2020.
  2. politics
    Bloomberg Goes After Trump, Sanders in AddressThose who won’t run, teach.
  3. commencement speeches
    Justice Scalia Reminds Graduates (Again) That Being Hitler Is Bad“Never compromise your principles, unless of course your principles are Adolf Hitler’s.”
  4. just ask chuck schumer
    Schumer Tells Same Breakup Story Over and Over“I said to myself, ‘What a loser you are.’”
  5. education
    The Alleged Offenses of 2014’s Disinvited Commencement SpeakersFrom war crimes to not being important enough.
  6. commencement speeches
    Bill Clinton Talks Privilege and Genetics at Nephew’s High-School GraduationIn Redondo Beach, California.
  7. ink-stained wretches
    Jonathan Franzen Knows What Love Is“Whenever I looked at a bird, I could feel my heart overflow with love.”