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Craig Spencer

  1. profile
    Today, the New York Doctor Who Contracted Ebola Is Feeling FineCraig Spencer on what it felt like to be sick amid a city’s fear and media madness.
  2. ebola
    New York Ebola Doc Thinks the City OverreactedIn an interview with WNYC.
  3. ebola
    U.S. Ebola Survivors Grateful This Thanksgiving for Plasma Donor DocThey thanked him during a Today show appearance.
  4. good things
    New York’s (Former) Ebola Patient Hugs His Way Out of the Hospital After 19 days at Bellevue, Dr. Craig Spencer was given a clean bill of health.
  5. New York Ebola Doc Now Free of EbolaAnd no, you still don’t have it.
  6. ebola
    NYC’s Ebola-Infected Doctor Now Well Enough to Be Mocked by Hospital StaffThey’re not Bowie fans.
  7. good things
    Ebola-Infected Doctor Seems to Be Getting BetterSome positive news.
  8. ebola panic
    NYC Hired Former Scam Artist to Clean Up After Ebola Patient City Hall says he did a good job, though.
  9. ebola
    Dr. Craig Spencer Receives Plasma From Ebola Survivor As Fiancée Returns HomeBellevue says the New York Ebola patient is “entering the next phase of his illness.” 
  10. ebola
    Most of the Places the New York Ebola Patient Visited Are Now Nice and Clean There’s not much anyone can do about the trains, though. 
  11. ebola
    Everything We Know About New York City’s Ebola PatientDr. Craig Spencer had been treating Ebola patients in Guinea.