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  1. life in pixels
    The Egg Is Bigger Than Before, or, Mysteries of YouTube’s Third-Biggest ChannelWhat is 5-Minute Crafts, and why?
  2. select all
    The Complete, No-Nonsense Guide to Smart LightingI just wanted to control the lights with my voice. Why is that so hard?
  3. select all
    Everything You Need to Build a Budget-Friendly Smart HomeAutomating your home can cost thousands of dollars. These budget picks can help you build one that’s “good enough.”
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    3 Smart-Home Obsessives Talk About Their Unbelievably Teched-Out Homes“Most people are just trying to turn on kitchen lights from their iPad. Yawn.”
  5. select all
    Should You Hire a Pro to Smarten Your Home?Please don’t electrocute yourself. It’s so much easier than you’re making it. There are people trained to do these things.
  6. This Etch A Sketch Can Tell TimeThanks to a surprising DIY hack.
  7. daredevils
    The Most Exhilarating Window-Washing Video of the DayThis barefoot Brooklyn man is alarmingly confident.
  8. d.i.y.
    White House Releases Its Beer RecipeDon’t worry, oppo-researchers: the Obamas pay for the equipment and ingredients themselves. 
  9. fetishes
    Spanking Fetishists Go Green Tonight in BrooklynMake your own “flogger” out of used bicycle tires! Really!