Displaying all articles tagged:

Dan Halloran

  1. oh albany!
    Corrupt Politicians Sent Each Other Sexy Valentine’s Day Texts (About Money)Add another blemish to former city councilman Dan Halloran’s record.
  2. early and awkard
    Councilman Dan Halloran Can’t Handle Endless Scandals and PoliticsHe’s not running for reelection.
  3. early and awkward
    Dan Halloran Had Affair With Young StafferSo there’s that. 
  4. oh albany!
    Corrupt City Councilman Didn’t Respect His Religion’s Rules, Either And he was flogged for it!
  5. local politics
    Alleged Bribery Scheme for Mayor’s Office Trickles Up to AlbanyWhat’s the political fallout?
  6. crimes and misdemeanors
    Bipartisan Bribery Plot to Rig the NYC Mayoral Race Foiled by FBIMalcolm Smith, Dan Halloran, and four other local politicians have been arrested.
  7. snomg
    Blizzard Cleanup Wasn’t Intentionally AwfulAn investigation finds no evidence of a conspiracy to plow the streets very slowly.