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David Paterson

  1. in other news
    OMG, Is Joe Bruno Going to Be Our Next Governor?By now, four days into Governor David Paterson’s reign, one thing is clear: He never thought he was actually going to be governor. The loosey-goosey (and juicy!) way he’s blended his personal and professional affairs don’t reflect the kind of care and caution that most people who expect close scrutiny would have used. If this goes on, will Joe Bruno use it to his advantage?
  2. early and often
    Who Are David Paterson’s Girls?As with the Spitzer scandal, the news cycle for David Paterson’s affairs has now moved onto the lucky ladies in question. Although Our Lady of Indignation Andrea Peyser names the new Governor’s trysts as “too many to count,” there’s still only one woman who’s an official notch on the motel-room bedpost, and a second who, while perhaps totally innocent of any hanky panky, still sounds a bit sketchy. But given what we do know, who are the ladies to whom David turned to during his dark, jealous hours of marital misery?
  3. early and often
    Oh La La! Les Frenches React to Le Spitzer ScandaleThe other night when David Paterson announced, in a rather blasé way, that both he and his wife, Michelle, had had multiple affairs during their marriage, we all (except the Post) basically shrugged. “I’m not shocked by anything a politician does anymore,” one gentleman, interviewed in front of the New Jersey T.G.I.Friday’s where Dina and Jim McGreevey had allegedly met their limo driver for their Freaky Fridays (or whatever they were called), told the CW. Cool, we said. We’re turning into France! But we may have overestimated the French’s tolerance for les liaisons. Today, the Sun interviewed New Yorkers of the Gallic persuasion about the recent spate of gubernatorial sexing, and while they were indeed laissez faire about affairs — “It’s a well-known fact that some of our politicians have extramarital affairs or an active sexual life,” Pierre Battu, the founder of something called French Tuesdays, yawned to the paper — using prostitutes is not okay, even in France. “The Spitzer case is a deep problem,” said Laurent Guerrier, a French headhunter. In France “it would have been a big thing also.” Especially because that Ashley Alexandra Dupré clearly did not know how to tie a scarf or make a cassoulet. French Shrug At Paterson, Gasp at Spitzer [NYS] Earlier: David Paterson Had an Affair! But It’s Okay Because His Wife Loves Him. And We Do Too!
  4. it just happened
    David Paterson Had an Affair! But It’s Okay Because His Wife Loves Him. And We Do Too!We’re just going to say it: Our new governor rocks the house. Only moments after he shouted down the halls of the capital: “I am David Paterson and I am the governor of New York State!” he admitted to the Daily News that he had an affair for several years of his marriage. And that’s not all: His wife, Michelle, also was unfaithful. Turns out the two had a rocky period in their marriage where they both looked elsewhere for comfort, but they decided to give it another go and try marriage counseling. It worked, and now they are a happy couple again. So happy, in fact, that they addressed the issue during Paterson’s first moments as governor. (Hey, he did admit he had “a different kind of marriage.”) But you know the best part? Both Paterson’s affair and his later reconciliation with his wife took place at a Days Inn in Manhattan. And we thought nothing could top the Mayflower Hotel and T.G.I. Friday’s! This is amazing. We’re turning into France. Gov. Paterson admits to sex with other woman for years [NYDN]
  5. photo op
    David Paterson Is Sworn In as Governor, Promises Good Times AheadGovernor David Paterson was just sworn in and gave his first address as head of the state. And boy, was he excited. It was hard not to get giddy for him, even though he took about ten minutes to introduce everybody that came to see the event (Hillary Clinton! Chuck Schumer! The governors of New Jersey, Connecticut, and Massachusetts! (The last of whom is also black!) Mayor Bloomberg! Paterson’s stepdaughter! Yaaaaay!). Every dignitary in the audience seemed to be wearing at least one piece of ridiculous green flair, which added a comical air to the proceedings. Paterson allowed himself only one swipe at Spitzer, saying: “[My wife] Michelle and I have a different kind of marriage,” before pausing for laughs. His speech was centered upon the theme of moving forward “in spite of obstacles and regardless of circumstance.” He also challenged party leaders to work together on issues, unlike in the past. To close his speech, he couldn’t resist a moment of triumph. “Let me reintroduce myself,” he shouted. “I am David Paterson, and I am the governor of New York State.” We wondered whether it was too much, but then, as the standing ovation stretched toward two minutes long, we realized it wasn’t. This guy is going to be fun.
  6. intel
    Upper West Side Parents Bid Like Mad for Albany Tour With New Gov The hottest item up for grabs Saturday night at the Booker T. Washington Middle School spring auction was a tour for four (two kids, two adults) of Albany conducted by none other than Governor (as of 1 p.m. today) David Paterson. The lovable gov, whose son attends the Upper West Side school, had offered the outing way before his former running mate Eliot Spitzer’s call-girl troubles. Bidding began at an impressive $2,000 — the initial bidder had to leave the party early and left his offer by proxy — but quickly climbed to a final price of $3,700. The item “obviously got a lot cooler in the last week,” announced the auctioneer, who added that any money collected would be returned “if, with everything that transpired, David is not able to honor it … We haven’t been able to get a hold of him.” The winner, who had been bidding determinedly but wouldn’t discuss his prize with this reporter, won’t be able to ask Patterson about the events that led to his new position, however. A caveat included with the description of the item read: “In order to comply with New York’s ethical and legal guidelines, consistent with the public trust, and to prevent actions that are intended, or appear to be intended, to achieve personal gain or benefit by the successful bidder of this item, kindly refrain from the discussion of specific professional and government business activities during your visit.” This is as it should be; Paterson clearly understands that people should be paying big bucks for a good time with him, rather than vice versa. —S. Jhoanna Robledo
  7. early and often
    So, What About the Blind Thing? So far, David Paterson’s blindness has really only cropped up as an aside in news stories about New York’s soon-to-be governor. They’re all, “he’s 53 and he’s an adjunct at Columbia and he lives in Harlem and he is African-American and oh, yeah, also he is legally blind.” If anyone has had any questions about a how blind man will do a job that involves a lot of, you know, reading papers and signing papers and looking at people in the eye as you shake their hand, they have only squeaked out as innuendo. “Well, being governor of the state of New York is a big job!” is something we’ve heard a lot on the news when people are talking about Paterson. “He’s going to need some assistance!” But as the idea of New York getting its first blind governor becomes a reality, the Times, the Journal and the Poughkeepsie Journal have stepped up, the Times frankly asking: “How Will a Blind Man Lead a State?”
  8. it just happened
    David Paterson: ‘The Only Whores I Know Are Lobbyists’ David Paterson just gave his first public address since Eliot Spitzer’s resignation yesterday. He made noises about “getting back to work” and the budget, talked about being black and blind, indicated he wasn’t planning any major changes to his predecessors more controversial policies, and became the first human being in government to express sympathy for Spitzer himself. “My heart goes out to Eliot Spitzer, his wife Silda, his daughters,” he said. “I know what he’s gone through this week. In my heart, I think he’s suffered enough.” Paterson also displayed a rather awesome sense of humor. “Just so we don’t have to go through this whole resignation thing again,” one ballsy reporter asked, “have you ever patronized a prostitute?” Patterson thought for a minute. “Only the lobbyists,” he said.
  9. 20-person poll
    What New Yorkers Know About David Paterson As of Monday, David Paterson will be the new governor of New York, not to mention the state’s first black governor. And what do his constituents think of him? Well, they don’t really have an opinion. Because most of them heard his name for the first time this week. We surveyed nineteen New Yorkers (and one visitor from Florida) to see what they knew about Governor-designate Paterson. They know a lot more now, thanks to the magic of a sex scandal in the age of the 24-hour news cycle. And being New Yorkers, they have some choice words for Governor-resigned Eliot Spitzer.
  10. intel
    Spitzer’s Crashing and Burning May Put Congestion Pricing Back on the RoadIn one of its more curious repercussions, it looks like Eliot Spitzer’s fall might mean the resurrection of Mayor Bloomberg’s congestion-pricing agenda. The groups pushing for a fee on midtown driving to fund mass-transit improvements say that governor designate David Paterson’s reputation as a conciliator bodes well for brokering a deal on the controversial proposal. As it stands, city and state lawmakers must adopt a proposed pricing plan by March 31 to retain a $354 million federal start-up grant — but that too could now change. The city will likely play the our-state-government-is-in-crisis card, pressing the Feds — who badly want to see New York get the money — to extend the deadline. (An ally of Sheldon Silver sniffed: “The mayor’s office has cooked up lots of deadlines and may be cooking up this one, too.”)
  11. in other news
    TV Reports: The Spitzer Resignation Process Has Begun Eliot Spitzer has begun telling officials that he will, indeed, resign today, sources say. According to NBC in New York, Eliot Spitzer will issue the statement in written form, rather than during a press conference. (CNN disagrees, claiming that a conference will be held at 11:30.) The television station also reports that the resignation may not go into effect until Monday. Meanwhile, ABC adds that Lieutenant Governor David Paterson has confirmed that the resignation is imminent. A letter, drafted yesterday, is expected be submitted to the secretary of state today. Later today, CBS adds, Paterson will be sworn in as governor up in Albany. Spitzer to Resign Today [ABC] Spitzer to Resign Effective Monday [NBC] THE END IS NEAR [CBS]
  12. in other news
    Spitzer’s Sex Scandal Sullies Superdelegate Status This Spitzer business is just about the only thing that could have overshadowed coverage of the presidential race (there’s a primary today, remember? Anybody?), but it pertains to Clinton, too. Spitzer is a superdelegate pledged to Hillary Clinton — until he resigns, at least, which is widely expected. Once he does, Spitzer will lose his vote, and another superdelegate pledged to Clinton, Lieutenant Governor David Paterson, will take his seat. Paterson can’t vote twice, so in effect, that means the total superdelegate count goes down by one — and Clinton loses one of her precious votes. But there is a slim hope for the delegate-starved Clinton yet.
  13. in other news
    Spitzer’s Bad Day, Cont’d: The Lieutenant Governor Passes OutAs if Governor Spitzer wasn’t already having a pretty shitty day, now there’s this: His lieutenant governor, David Paterson, passed out on a flight from La Guardia to Buffalo today; the plane was met by paramedics in Buffalo, where he remains hospitalized. “There is a little lovefest some of us here have with him,” Paterson told Steve Fishman for his Spitzer profile last week. Maybe his heart’s been broken? Press release from the L.G.’s office after the jump.
  14. early and often
    Spitzer Patronage Begins With Ferrer? Despite Freddy Ferrer’s vow to stay out of politics, the twice-failed mayoral candidate and former Bronx borough president might have a place in the House of Spitzer. But will Ferrer leave the lobbying-PR giant Fleischman-Hillard to run New York’s Department of State? Ferrer didn’t return an e-mail, but those close to him insist he doesn’t want the job, which entails registering corporations, recording trademarks, and regulating cemeteries, among other things. The gig pays $120,800 annually, according to recent filings. A Ferrer insider claims that after so many years in government, he wants to stay in the private sector. But senior officials in Spitzer’s administration say Ferrer could be posturing.