Demographic Ruts in Dem Race a Lot Like ’08Going into a key primary in Michigan Tuesday, Clinton and Sanders are both differentiating themselves on policy issues. But, as in the Clinton-Obama contest of 2008, it’s not clear actual voters care.
Not So Different From You and Me?Andrew Beveridge, who does demographic analyses for the Times, has sifted through census data to come up with some trivia on a woefully undertaxonomized (and, some would say, undertaxed) cohort: the city’s idle rich, or, as he calls them in his Gotham Gazette study, “New Yorkers who don’t need to work.” The numbers are impressive. Per Beveridge:
Amount a person needs to earn annually in investment income to be counted as not needing to work: $60,000
Number of people in the tri-state area who “don’t need to work”: 140,000
Median personal income of these people: $191,200
Percentage of them who live in Manhattan: 16
Percentage who live in the suburbs: 40
Percentage who work, anyway, despite not needing to: 25
Percentage who went to college: only 60, surprisingly
The Idle Rich [Gotham Gazette]
in other news
Dominicans Like the Island Manhattan, Smoke on Your Pipe and Put That In
There may be a minor revolution under way in our city’s Latin American population, according to new census data reported in the News. For the first time ever, the Dominican Republic is poised to overtake Puerto Rico as the No. 1 provenance of New York Latinos. (Overall, Latinos account for 28 percent of the NYC population and are the dominant ethnicity in the Bronx). The new figures show the number of “Nuyoricans” dropping from 2004 to 2005, while the Dominican stats are on the rise. An auxiliary article describes the first front already ceded by the Puerto Ricans — the city’s 13,000 Hispanic bodegas, which are now almost entirely Dominican-owned.
Whither Puerto Ricans? It seems they’re following the arc of any other immigrant group that’s stayed in the city for a while: disappearing into the middle class and moving out, be it to the Long Island suburbs, upstate, New Jersey, or back to Puerto Rico. At least, though, this revolution appears to be a peaceful one, with no hard feelings between the two Latino groups. For instance, when Puerto Rican candidate Fernando Ferrer ran for mayor, he drew more support from the city’s Dominicans than from his compatriots. Of course, he still lost.
Latinos on the Rise in the City [NYDN]
Dominican Dominance at Bustlin’ Bodegas [NYDN]