Displaying all articles tagged:

Department Of Corrections

  1. crime and punishment
    New York City to Stop Putting Under-21-Year-Olds in Solitary Confinement Progress. 
  2. lawsuits
    City Settles Lawsuit Over Rikers Inmate Who ‘Baked to Death’ for $2.25 MillionJerome Murdough, a mentally ill veteran, died last February.
  3. crime and punishment
    No Charges for Guards in 3 Fatal Rikers Island BeatingsThough they were ruled homicides.
  4. crime and punishment
    Rikers Island Guards Accused of Horrific Inmate Beatings Won’t Be ProsecutedThough the case was highlighted by the New York Times and a U.S. attorney’s report.
  5. crimes and misdemeanors
    Rikers Island Guards Charged With Drug SmugglingTwo of them were arrested on drug charges back in June.
  6. awful things
    Rikers Guards Accused of Faking Suicide Attempt to Cover Up BeatingThose involved have not been prosecuted.
  7. rikers island
    City Settles Suit Over Fatal Beating of Rikers Inmate for $2.75 MillionBut does not admit fault.
  8. Mentally Ill Often Beaten at Rikers, Says StudyLast year 129 inmates were seriously injured by correction officers.
  9. crimes and misdemeanors
    3 Rikers Guards Charged With Brutally Beating InmateThen trying to cover it up.
  10. crimes and misdemeanors
    At Least Two Guards Arrested in Massive Rikers Island Raid More charges are expected.
  11. crimes and misdemeanors
    Three City Employees Arrested After Brawling With Cops Outside a Sangria BarCivil servants versus civil servants.
  12. awful things
    Three Rikers Island Officials Punished for Inmate’s DeathA mentally ill vet overheated in his cell.
  13. awful things
    Mentally Ill Inmate ‘Baked to Death’ on Rikers Island Horrible.
  14. crimes and misdemeanors
    Rikers Guards Charged With Beating Inmate for Staring“This guy thinks he’s tough.”
  15. department of corrections
    The Wall Street Journal Didn’t Mean to Get You So DrunkCorrection of the day.
  16. crimes and misdemeanors
    Ex-Inmate Accused of Sneaking Into New York Jails [Updated] It’s not clear why.
  17. department of corrections
    Correction: Nobody Was Making Butter Sculptures of Garth Brooks in 1984God, ‘Times.’
  18. department of corrections
    ‘An Earlier Version of This Article Contained a Dateline That Incorrectly Referred to ‘Nantucket, R.I.’ Nantucket Is in Massachusetts’The New York ‘Times’ has forgotten where ultra-rich, ultra-white enclave Nantucket is located?
  19. bons mots
    Kanye West: ‘Fame Is Like Cigarettes With No Surgeon General Warning’Wow. That’s really true.