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Dirty Old Men

  1. dirty old men
    And the Senator Who Called Kirsten Gillibrand Chubby Is …Not one of the usual suspects.
  2. oh albany!
    Buffalo Assemblyman Steps Down, Says Sexual Harassment Was Just ‘Mutual Banter’He doesn’t sound very sorry.
  3. oh albany!
    Buffalo Assemblyman Hit With Harassment ClaimsDid Dennis Gabryszak learn nothing from Vito Lopez?
  4. dirty old men
    Silver Accused of Affair With Aide by LopezYou probably shouldn’t.
  5. dirty old men
    Schumer Wants Resolution Pushing Vito Lopez to Quit“If the vote is 149–0, I think he’d have to step down.”
  6. dirty old men
    Vito Lopez Rips Those Calling for His ResignationNot backing down.
  7. dirty old men
    Report: Sheldon Silver Asked Accused Sexual Harasser Vito Lopez to Resign“He basically was inaudible.”
  8. dirty old men
    New York Democrats Call for Vito Lopez’s Resignation The state’s DNC delegation doesn’t seem to be standing behind the assemblyman. 
  9. dirty old men
    Don’t Expect Voters to Get Rid of Handsy Vito LopezThe Brooklyn assemblyman “could be in jail for murder” and still keep his spot. 
  10. dirty old men
    Former Employees Say Vito Lopez Had a History of Slimy BehaviorPlenty to keep the ethics committee busy.
  11. dirty old men
    Handsy Vito Lopez Will Begrudgingly Give Up Party Boss JobBut the Brooklyn Democrat says he will remain in the State Assembly.
  12. dirty old men
    Brooklyn Assemblyman Vito Lopez Slammed for Sexual HarassmentHe allegedly put his hand up an intern’s skirt, and now colleagues are demanding his resignation.