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Do No Harm

  1. do no harm
    Healthcare.gov Subjected to Utterly Unsexy HackLawmakers are still pretty upset about it.
  2. do no harm
    The Worst-Case Scenario for ObamacareA widening disparity between red-state and blue-state health care could undermine the law’s long-term viability.
  3. do no harm
    Obamacare Enrollments Expected to Hit Original 7 Million TargetDespite all the website glitches.
  4. do no harm
    Obamacare Enrollment Deadline Extended, Essentially for Anyone Who AsksThey’ll be granted based on the honor system.
  5. do no harm
    After Enrollment Surge, Administration Is Only 1 Million Short of Obamacare GoalZach Galifianakis was way more helpful than the Doge meme.
  6. do no harm
    Now If You Like Your Health Plan, You Can Keep It Though 2016Coincidentally, well after the midterms.
  7. do no harm
    Obamacare Enrollment Was Better Than Expected Last MonthFor the first time.
  8. do no harm
    Obamacare Employer Mandate Gets Another ExtensionRepublicans updated their objections for the Olympics.
  9. do no harm
    Fewer Young Americans Enroll in Obamacare, But ‘Death Spiral’ Is UnlikelyPremiums could go up, but not enough to cripple the system.
  10. do no harm
    Insurers Rush to Complete Obamacare EnrollmentsObamcare is still experiencing some technical difficulties.
  11. do no harm
    Individual Mandate Delayed for People Whose Plans Were CanceledThe rules are tweaked again.
  12. do no harm
    Blame Obama for Latest Round of Mom’s NaggingCelebrate Christmas with a family debate about your health coverage.
  13. do no harm
    White House Plans to Pitch Obamacare Again Reviving the “it’s more than a website” theme.
  14. do no harm
    White House Says Healthcare.gov Should Work NowAbout 90 percent of the time, anyway.
  15. do no harm
    Healthcare.gov Is Sort of Fixed, As Long As Everybody Doesn’t Sign On at OnceMission (technically) accomplished!
  16. do no harm
    2015 Obamacare Enrollment Will Be Delayed Until Just After the MidtermsSurely that’s just a coincidence.
  17. do no harm
    Obama Suggests GOP Deserves Some Blame for Botched Health-Care RolloutThey’re “invested in failure.”
  18. do no harm
    HealthCare.gov Probably Won’t Be Fixed by the White House’s DeadlinePhone and paper applications aren’t working well either.
  19. do no harm
    50,000 Used Healthcare.gov, Way Under TargetAt least it’s above single digits.
  20. do no harm
    Obamacare’s First Day Was Worse Than Anyone ThoughtOnly six people managed to enroll.
  21. do no harm
    New York Insurance Navigators Included a Car Service, Cupcake MakerFirst draft of service providers went live, apparently.
  22. do no harm
    Obamacare Penalty Delayed Just a Little BitAn aftermarket tweak.
  23. do no harm
    White House Is Tweaking Obamacare, Not Delaying ItBut “aligning” deadlines doesn’t sound as dramatic.
  24. do no harm
    Obamacare Individual Mandate May Be DelayedBy as much six weeks, according to reports.