Two Big Lies Trump Is Telling on AbortionTrump is trying to justify his “states’ rights” flip-flop on abortion. But he’s just providing more evidence that he can’t be trusted.
Will Abortion Dominate the 2022 Midterms?It’s possible that, given the current and near-future actions of the U.S. Supreme Court, abortion could matter more than ever to pro-choice voters.
Imagining a Post-Roe AmericaThe Supreme Court now has an opportunity to gut its 1973 abortion ruling. A savage landscape of inequality and culture war awaits.
ByEd Kilgore
u.s. supreme court
Is Roe v. Wade Now Doomed?We’ve been here before, when the Supreme Court surprised everyone in 1992 by upholding the right to choose. But this new challenge doesn’t look good.