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Donna Hanover

  1. the sports section
    Court Papers: Donna Hanover Tried to Bully Duke Into Getting Son Back on Golf TeamApparently little Andrew Giuliani’s dad isn’t the only ballbuster in that family.
  2. the sports section
    Giuliani’s Son Sues Duke for Cutting Him From Golf TeamThe 22-year-old rising senior, ranked twelfth on his team of fourteen, is enraged that the school is stomping on his dreams of the pro tour.
  3. cultural capital
    New York’s Greatest Divorces: Your Handy GuideChristie Brinkley and Peter Cook’s divorce will be messy, sure — but they’ve got nothing on Donald, Ron, and Rudy. Let’s talk about legends, people.
  4. intel
    The Mayor, His Wife, His Press Secretary, and His ‘Very Good Friend’ We’ve been reading a lot about Rudy Giuliani lately. There was that Voice piece yesterday on why his kids are right to hate him. There’s the New Yorker profile we finally got around to reading last night (and which seemed only to provide a Steinbergian New Yorker’s View of Rudy to the rest of the country — was there anything in it, other than that his father, in addition to being a small-time gangster, was also a mean disciplinarian, that you didn’t already know?). And there’s the Harper’s cover we’ve been looking at on our coffee table for a week or so now, though we can’t quite bring ourselves to crack it.
  5. in other news
    Rudy and Donna: The Way They Were Today’s Times reminds us that Rudy Giuliani, America’s Mayor, used to be and likely still is a “mean-spirited,” cross-dressing, twice-divorced guy who used to call his old gay roommate “mother” as he left for work each day. But that’s not all there is to Rudy. He’s also “strong, and at the same time gentle,” according to a testimonial Ben Smith reports today on the Politico. Who’d that endorsement come from? His then-wife, Donna Hanover, in a 1993 TV commercial that featured the whole Giuliani family. It’s a misty, water-colored campaign ad, about the way the Giulianis were. RudyTube 1993: Rudy and Donna [Politico] New York Label May Not Fit All in Giuliani Run [NYT]