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Dr. Phil

  1. select all
    ‘Cash Me Outside’ Teen to Dr. Phil: ‘I Made You Just Like How Oprah Made You’Danielle Bregoli is back on The Dr. Phil Show with an excellent burn for the host.
  2. catfish
    Manti Te’o Hoaxster Ronaiah Tuiasosopo Says He Might Be GayHe’s confused, he tells Dr. Phil. 
  3. manti te’o
    Dr. Phil Books First Interview With Manti Te’o’s Fake GirlfriendA.k.a. Ronaiah Tuiasosopo.
  4. crimes and misdemeanors
    ‘Millionaire Madam’ Will Name Names on Dr. PhilThere’s going to be a “giant name dropped.”
  5. ted williams woes
    Ted Williams Is Off to RehabWell, that was quick.
  6. gossipmonger
    Gwyneth: Hungry AND Pregnant?Gwyneth Paltrow may have gone to Mount Sinai Medical Center on Monday to deal with pregnancy complications. Pink is teaming up with PETA to help stop horse-drawn carriage rides in Central Park. Billionaire Band-Aid heiress Libet Johnson refused to let her husband, weight-loss guru Dr. Lionel Bissoon, see their adopted child after they broke up. WD-50 chef Wylie Dufresne had BBQ and finger food at his wedding to former magazine editor Maile Carpenter this past weekend. Maroon Five guitarist James Valentine wrote about how much harder he used to party on his MySpace page. 5WPR founder Ronn Torossian has really low standards for the cases he’ll agree to take on. Ed Burns claims that critics in New York hate his films because he didn’t go to an Ivy League school and his dad’s a cop.