Displaying all articles tagged:

Duck Dynasty

  1. stupid things
    Duck Dynasty Relative Running for CongressYeehaw.
  2. early and awkward
    Conservative Christian Congressman Caught on Video Making Out With StafferA local Louisiana paper has obtained the footage, which certainly looks like kissing.
  3. early and awkward
    Duck Dynasty Guy Attending State of the UnionWillie Robertson will be there tonight, courtesy of Louisiana’s Vance McAllister.
  4. Duck Dynasty Guns Now AvailableEach purchase comes with an American-flag bandanna.
  5. america’s sweetheart
    Palin Never Read Duck Dynasty Star’s Gay RemarksThis seems like a slight oversight on her part. 
  6. america’s sweetheart
    Sarah Palin Fightin’ for Duck Dynasty HomophobeSaving America from the “intolerants.”