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Earned Income Tax Credit
California Bets That Progressive Policies Will Reinforce Economic GrowthTrump & Co. can conflate conservative policies and economic growth all they want; California’s doing fine going in a very different direction.
No, the HOPE Scholarship Didn’t Kill Great Society LiberalismA provocative op-ed says Zell Miller’s and Bill Clinton’s embrace of merit-based scholarships showed their betrayal of liberalism. I beg to differ.
Democrats Should Tell Voters What Else They Could Get for $1.5 TrillionThe GOP plans to add that to the deficit to pay for regressive tax cuts. For the same price, we could have universal day care and high-speed rail.
The GOP Wants to Crack Down on Tax Evasion — Among the Working PoorRepublicans have a plan to grow the deficit, hurt the poor, and make it easier for billionaires to evade taxes — all at the same time!
Uh-Oh: Tim Ryan Becomes the Star of a Republican Tax AdHis remarks were taken out of context in a GOP ad, but Tim Ryan can find ways to talk about economic growth without mentioning corporate tax cuts.