New Katie Couric Unauthorized Bio Slings Mud, CurryKatie Couric just can’t get a break – the embattled CBS Evening News anchor doesn’t have to just struggle with sagging ratings, now she also has to deal with a new hatchet job by celebrity unauthorized biographer Ed Klein. The Daily News unearthed a few nuggets from Katie: The Real Story today, and it ain’t pretty. Klein claims (quoting, as always, anonymous sources) that Katie’s marriage to late husband Jay Monahan was basically over well before he succumbed to colon cancer in 1998 — and that she’s subsequently painted a happy portrait of their relationship to strategically position herself as a struggling widow. Not to butt in further, but relationships during illness are complicated, difficult, and private. This accusation seems like a low blow even for Klein, whose similar books about Hillary Clinton and the Kennedys were best-sellers. The author also claimed that Couric was jealous of co-presenter Ann Curry and tried to get in the way of her advancement. Which is funny, because we always thought the only thing getting in Curry’s way was her own inability to complete a sentence.
Talk About Katie Hatin’ [NYDN]
Related: Alas Poor Couric [NYM]