Displaying all articles tagged:

Ed Rogers

  1. the national interest
    Before It Stopped Cooperating With Mueller, Ukraine Hired GOP Lobbyists. Hmm.America’s Worst Columnist makes an appearance in this scandal!
  2. the national interest
    America’s Worst Columnist Still Convinced Trump Is InnocentThe latest entry in Ed Rogers’s incompetent defenses of the Russia scandal.
  3. Mike Pence Has Every Reason to Gear Up for 2020 — But Don’t Tell His BossThe hysterical response of Team Pence to reports his political team has contingency plans for 2020 illustrates the deep neuroses of the White House.
  4. the national interest
    I Have Found America’s Worst ColumnistEd Rogers: lobbyist, Washington Post columnist, and Trump defender.
  5. the national interest
    GOP Consultant: My Blog Post ‘Mostly Thoughtful’Ed Rogers explains that he had a good reason not to mention that enormous news event of which he seemed completely unaware.
  6. the national interest
    Republican Consultant Does Not Read Newspapers for the Climate-Change ArticlesThe lazy anti-climate Republicans are almost as bad as the crazy ones.