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Election Day Voting

  1. wonks
    Election Night with Biden’s Data GuruBecca Siegel’s task was to figure out, in real time, if Biden was on track to win. That wasn’t always easy.
  2. early and often
    Will the Unrest in Philadelphia Affect How Pennsylvanians Vote?Strategists and organizers in both parties are thinking hard about the question as election day draws near in a crucial swing state.
  3. vision 2020
    An Election Night ‘Red Mirage’ Is a Nightmare for DemocratsEvidence grows that thanks to big partisan splits in voting methods, Trump may have an Election Night lead even if mail ballots doom him to defeat.
  4. vision 2020
    Why Trump Could Have an Election Night Lead in Blue StatesWhether or not Trump clams victory based on convincing his supporters to vote on Election Day rather than by mail, the early returns may look weird.