The Babies of Jennifer Lopez Are Upon Us!Finally, People has released the first baby photos of J.Lo and Marc Anthony’s infant children, Max and Emme. Aren’t they cute? And don’t they look just like … dad?
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World, Please Welcome Max and Emme Lo!We don’t know how we missed this, but apparently, Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony named their babies! The twins are called Max and Emme. Max was born at six pounds even, and Emme was a petite 5.7 pounds. They might have been named after a PBS show called Dragon Tales, TMZ tells us, but then what do they know. Anyway, they are pictured above. Kidding! Those aren’t Max and Emme. We’re going to have to wait until they are un-red and un-crinkly and are photographed for People to see what they really look like, but in the meantime we figured, why wait? With modern technology, we can just imagine what they look like.