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Evan Bayh

  1. vision 2020
    Why Did Obama Pick Biden As His Veep in the First Place?Biden’s “baggage” may not have mattered so much to Team Obama because they considered him too old to be an heir apparent.
  2. Senate Democrats Are Fighting Some Brutal Trends in the MidtermsIn November, they must overcome not just an adverse landscape, but a recent trend toward partisan consistency in Senate voting.
  3. Phil Bredesen and Democrats’ Long-Shot Effort to Win Back the SenateA new poll in Tennessee shows a Democrat with a solid lead in a bid to flip a GOP Senate seat.
  4. Bredesen Makes Tennessee Senate Race Competitive for DemocratsIn addition to Arizona, Nevada, and possibly Alabama, there’s now another place where Democrats might win a seat and even gain control of the Senate.
  5. That Democratic Senate Looking DicierThe odds are dropping along with the standing of several key candidates — especially Evan Bayh.
  6. Bayh Comeback Boosts Dem Bid for Senate ControlSix years after leaving the Senate with a spasm of disdain for the institution, the onetime boy wonder is attempting a comeback.
  7. Evan Bayh, Concerned American and Non-ShillThe former senator has apparently taken up a moonlighting gig as a freelance op-ed writer. How noble.
  8. early and often
    Senator ScroogeRetiring Indiana senator Evan Bayh, a Democrat, is sitting on $10.3 million in campaign cash. Why won’t he spend it?
  9. early and often
    Why Is It So Hard to Believe That Evan Bayh Just Hates Congress?Have you SEEN Congress lately?
  10. retirements
    Sen. Bayh Will Not Seek Re-ElectionThird high-profile Democratic senator to step down in recent months.
  11. early and often
    Is Obama Planning a Veepstakes Shocker This Week?After endless rumination and media speculation, Barack Obama’s decision on a running mate is nigh. Nigh! Just how nigh, nobody is quite sure.
  12. early and often
    Barack Obama Would Be a Really Bad SpyWhen the candidate disappeared three times in one day for long periods of time, his cover was that he was “working out.” Not even Mario Lopez believed him.
  13. early and often
    The Early Word on Indiana, Maybe the Final Democratic BattlegroundWhat does this place promise for the never-ending race?
  14. early and often
    Is It Too Late for Tom Vilsack?The Observer blog today prophesies that Hillary will pick former Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack as a running mate if she wins the Iowa Caucus (speaking of the Observer blog, have you noticed that the whole paper has suddenly become a blog? Was this somehow inevitable?). But we can’t help but disagree. Back in October, we predicted Hillary will choose Evan Bayh instead. Now, we’re pretty sure not even Hillary has made up her mind. She’s a smart lady and didn’t get where she is today by not knowing the advantage of leading a few dudes on at the same time. But if anything, the fickle nature of Hillary’s Iowa poll numbers shows that having Vilsack (a campaign co-chair) on her team doesn’t guarantee a sure win in the swing state. In which case, he’ll seem like a much less potent force in the general election. Sure, we haven’t heard as much from Bayh lately, and he’s not as much of an attack dog for his mistress, but we say don’t count him out. A lot of stuff is going to fall into place in January and February, and the VP pick is going to be upon us before we know it. We’re just saying, don’t forget about the hot dude. Vilsack for V.P.? Depends On How The Caucuses Go [Politicker/NYO] Earlier: In Which We Predict Hill Will Take a Bayh in ‘08
  15. intel
    In Which We Predict Hill Will Take a Bayh in ‘08 Today Cindy Adams predicts that Wesley Clark is in line to be Hillary Clinton’s running mate. He recently endorsed her, and Adams points out that four years ago, the two of them were the big Democratic stars. Interesting! Or, at least it would be, if Cindy Adams were at all a political expert. She’s not, and neither are we. But since America is probably going to have to deal with the whole running-mate issue earlier than ever this year, we thought we’d pile on with our prediction of whom she’ll anoint. After all, if Hill really wants to cement her position as the de facto Democratic nominee, why not go all the way? Barring any of the other candidates, we think she’s going to pick Indiana Senator Evan Bayh. Why? If you’ve even bothered reading this far down, you might as well click through to the jump to read our crackpot logic.