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Facial Recognition

  1. pivot
    Amazon Finally Sees the Problem With Facial RecognitionKara Swisher and Scott Galloway discuss big tech’s recent turn away from facial recognition and the racial-bias problems with the technology.
  2. technocracy
    Why We Should Ban Facial Recognition TechnologyIt’s much harder to move fast and break things when you’re not allowed to move at all.
  3. the future issue
    There Will Be No Turning Back on Facial RecognitionIt’s not perfect yet, but it’s already changing the world.
  4. facial recognition
    Look What You Made Taylor Swift Do: Use Facial-Recognition TechnologySwift used facial recognition to scan audience members at a May concert looking for stalkers.
  5. facial recognition
    Smile! The Secretive Business of Facial-Recognition Software in Retail StoresMadison Square Garden, and Kennedy International Airport both use facial-recognition software to identify their customers. Who else does?
  6. the panopticon
    A List of Every Animal That Humans Can Spy on With Facial RecognitionIt’s way more than you think.
  7. select all
    Amazon’s Facial-Recognition Software Mistakes 28 Congressmen for CriminalsThe software misidentified a disproportionate amount of representatives of color, including six members of the Congressional Black Caucus.
  8. select all
    Amazon Investors to Amazon: Please Stop Doing Business With CopsActivist investors want to make sure that facial-recognition tech is used responsibly.
  9. select all
    Chinese Police Now Armed With Facial-Recognition GlassesOver 30 people have been apprehended using the glasses.
  10. select all
    Facebook Will Now Tell You If Somebody Posts a Picture of You Without a TagThe company says its latest features will help people protect their identities online.
  11. select all
    Snapchat May Soon Generate Bitmoji Using Facial RecognitionThe new feature is hinted at in a recent patent application.
  12. select all
    A School Is Using Facial-Recognition Technology to Make Sure Students FocusUsing artificial intelligence to figure out who is daydreaming in class.
  13. This App Lets Total Strangers Identify Pictures of You Without Your ConsentSmile! You’re on candid camera.