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  1. ink-stained wretches
    Is Tina Brown’s Newsweek a More Feminist Enterprise?Let’s play count the covers.
  2. i’m rubber you’re glue
    Women of The Daily Show to Jezebel: Go F@#k Yourself!It turns out there are lots of them.
  3. cpac
    GOP Tries to Win Over Young Voters by Mocking Feminism, GaysGood strategy? Or … GREAT strategy?
  4. all the single ladies
    Elin Nordegren and Jenny Sanford: Sanity, at LastLeaving your high-profile husband is practically unorthodox these days.
  5. gail collins
    New York Times Columnist Gail Collins on the State of the American WomanIn an excellent interview by Doree Shafrir, Gail Collins talks about why women aren’t making strides fast enough lately, and why nobody has time to be a mentor anymore.
  6. in other news
    Nora Ephron Doesn’t Like White MenDespite having married three and written movies about dozens of them, she’s tired of the genre.
  7. intel
    Alice Walker Talks About Feminism, But Not About Motherhood There was an everydaughter-size elephant in the auditorium last night as old friends Gloria Steinem and Alice Walker, in conversation at the 92nd Street Y, talked about almost everything — meditation, California, Rwanda, George Bush (he’s bad!), peaches (mean freedom!), and mothers (complicated!). But they did not talk about Walker’s daughter, Rebecca, the feminist writer — and also Steinem’s goddaughter — who revealed in her recent book, Baby Love: Choosing Motherhood After a Lifetime of Ambivalence that she is estranged from her Pulitzer-winning parent. (Okay, maybe it wasn’t entirely surprising: In Rebecca’s earlier book, Black, White and Jewish, she wrote about feeling emotionally neglected as a child.) “I am always happy to talk about my mother,” said Walker at the discussion. “My mother was a big woman, a strong woman, a beautiful woman, a woman who could not be beaten.” But there wasn’t a word on being a mother herself — not that there weren’t opportunities.
  8. in other news
    Halloween Skanks, or Female Chauvinist Pigs?“Good Girls Go Bad, for a Day” is the headline of today’s “Thursday Styles” front-pager examining why women these days use Halloween as an excuse to dress like sluts, and it’s entirely unsurprising such a piece has become the top item on the Times site’s most-e-mailed list. The article is filled with quotes from feminist academics and gender-roles scholars, but that’s all a bit too high-toned for our tastes. Instead we checked in with New York’s Ariel Levy, who examined the rise of “raunch culture” in her Female Chauvinist Pigs — and who’s so over feminist shibboleths she actually spent a week with the Girls Gone Wild guys while researching the book. Okay, so why are women getting so skanked-up on Halloween these days? There is a huge aspect of generational rebellion to raunch culture: Nobody wants to turn into her mother, and whether your mother was/is a radical feminist or a right-wing Evangelical Christian — both pretty common among baby-boomers — either way it’s going to get under her skin if you dress as a stripper to go trick-or-treating. Or if you dress as a stripper to go to junior high.