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  1. it happened this week
    Plumbing the DepthsThe news you missed if weren’t paying attention this week.
  2. Mirren, Scorsese, and Hargitay at the DGA HonorsThe actor gets irate at a DGA party: “I’m talking about both parties. They’re all shameless pigs.”
  3. party chat
    The W. Cast Psychoanalyzes Bush’s AdministrationAt last night’s ‘W.’ premiere, we asked each actor to briefly analyze the real-life character they portray.
  4. neighborhood watch
    Lurid Layout Links Nice Bay Ridge Lady With Dog to ProstitutionIs this woman a happy, dog-loving hooker?
  5. the greatest show of our time
    The Final ‘Gossip Girl’ Reality TallyWe add up the reality index for this week’s episode, including your points.
  6. Carl Icahn Parts With Longtime LoveIs he upgrading to a newer, sleeker model?