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  1. the city
    The New Ferry Fleet Will Be Delightful, and Is Also a Huge MistakeSix hundred million dollars is way too much for such a tiny number of riders.
  2. bill de blasio’s new york
    Mayor Bill de Blasio Teases Citywide Ferry Service, Coming This SummerThe company is hiring as the system prepares to open new routes from Astoria, the Rockaways, and South Brooklyn.
  3. The Ferry Plan May Be Misguided. But …An iffy plan has an upside.
  4. Fire on Greek Ferry Leaves at Least 10 Dead, Dozens Injured “It was like a scene from hell,” said one passenger.
  5. disasters
    Rescuers Working to Save People on Burning FerryThe boat is drifting off the coast of Albania.
  6. accidents happen
    Liberty Island Ferry Hits Pier, Everyone Takes It Pretty WellEight people suffered minor injuries.
  7. stand clear of the closing doors
    Stranded R-Train Riders to Get Ferry ServiceFaster to downtown.
  8. public transportation
    Goldman Sachs Is Being Oddly Coy About Its New Public FerriesIt’s even swearing people to secrecy.
  9. smart purchases
    City Puts Worthless Ferry Up on eBayThanks a lot, Massachusetts.