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Fetal Personhood

  1. life after roe
    Demonstrators protest and argue outside the U.S. Supreme
    GOP Urged to Restrict IVF, Though It’s Political SuicideThe anti-abortion movement’s demands for IVF restrictions and fetal-personhood protections could destroy Republicans at the ballot box.
  2. life after roe
    Senate Takes Up Funding Bill After House Passage
    Tuberville and Republicans Are Tripping All Over the Alabama IVF DecisionMany Republicans are abandoning “fetal personhood” doctrines amid backlash to the Alabama ruling. Tuberville and Nikki Haley haven’t been so nimble.
  3. life after roe
    Nikki Haley, Abortion ‘Moderate,’ Says Frozen Embryos Are ‘Babies’For all her talk of seeking a “consensus,” she is siding with anti-abortion extremists who would ban in-vitro fertilization.
  4. politics
    The Rights Blue States May Lose If the GOP Returns to PowerToday Republicans are all about states’ rights. If they win in 2024, they’ll likely embrace federal activism on everything from abortion to voting.
  5. abortion
    How Far Will the Anti-Abortion Movement Go?If the Supreme Court reverses Roe, forget states’ rights and get ready for national or constitutional abortion bans.
  6. conservatism
    It’s Tough to Prove You’re a ‘True Conservative’ in the Trump EraMany of the old principles of hard-core conservatism are still obligatory for Republicans. And now they have to demonstrate loyalty to Trump, too.
  7. On the 150th Birthday of the 14th Amendment, Its Future Hangs in the BalanceTrump may not know the 14th Amendment from the 14th floor of one of his hotels, but his second SCOTUS pick could greatly affect its interpretation.
  8. early and often
    Cruz Won’t Say Whether He Supports Fetal ‘Personhood’ Laws“Different people mean different things about labels.”