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  1. press-box confidential
    Sports Radio and Sports Blogs Now About Everything But … SportsBig comedy on the radio, plus Pete Abraham reviews movies, in this week’s look at the sporting press.
  2. in other news
    This Thing With Rielle Hunter’s Baby Daddy Is Just WeirdHow did married Edwards aide Andrew Young possibly think his story would fly?
  3. early and often
    Clinton, Obama Fine-tune Pandering in Final Days Before Indiana PrimaryIf you needed an illustration of how close the Democratic race has become, look no further than Guam. Guam held its primary on Saturday, and Barack Obama won by seven votes.
  4. gossipmonger
    Even Though He’s Dead, Norman Mailer’s Ex Insists Upon Making Us Imagine Him NakedPlus, dish about Oprah, Rachael Ray, Kelly Clarkson, and some more icky news about David Cross.