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Fort Hood

  1. shootings
    Request for Leave Preceded Fort Hood Shooter’s RampageThe Army says he fired 35 shots in eight minutes.
  2. fort hood shooting
    Fort Hood Shooter Had ‘Clean Record,’ Showed No Warning SignsAccording to Army officials.
  3. shootings
    Fort Hood Shooter Ivan Lopez Never Saw CombatDetails are starting to emerge about the Army gunman.
  4. shootings
    Fort Hood Gunman Identified As Iraq Vet Suffering From Mental Health IssuesOfficials say he killed three people and wounded 16.
  5. shootings
    Another Shooting Reported at Fort Hood Military Base in Texas [Updated]The post, the site of tragedy in 2009, is currently on lockdown.
  6. crimes and misdemeanors
    Nidal Hasan Sentenced to Death for Fort Hood ShootingSubject to Obama’s approval and endless appeals.
  7. crimes and misdemeanors
    Fort Hood Shooter Got the Guilty Verdict He WantedHasan, who defended himself, faces the death penalty.
  8. crimes and misdemeanors
    Fort Hood Shooter Rests Case With No DefenseNidal Hasan, who is representing himself, called no witnesses.
  9. crimes and misdemeanors
    Accused Fort Hood Shooter Claims He Was Protecting the TalibanNidal Malik Hasan’s defense of himself started out shaky today.
  10. terroble
    Soldier Who Plotted Fort Hood Bombing Found Guilty on Multiple ChargesHe faces up to life in prison.
  11. terrorble
    Another Attack on Fort Hood Averted? [Updated]A Muslim-American soldier who had gone AWOL has been arrested with bomb-making material and admitted to wanting to “get even.”
  12. fort hood
    Grand Jury Hearings Begin for Fort Hood ShootingsNidal Malik Hasan will face a military tribunal.
  13. early and often
    Obama on Recent Terror Plots: ‘We Are at War’Hear that, Dick Cheney?
  14. fort hood
    Radical Cleric Who Advised Nidal Malik Hasan Explains Their RelationshipThe Washington ‘Post’ sent an intermediary to speak with the man Hasan saw as a spiritual leader.
  15. fort hood
    Military to Seek Death Penalty in Fort Hood Shooting CaseMajor Nidal Malik Hasan will be tried in a military court.
  16. fort hood
    More Nuance Enters Fort Hood NarrativeNot everyone ignored the warning signs from Major Nidal Malik Hasan, and it was not only female officer Kimberly Munley who took him down in the end.
  17. fort hood
    Bill O’Reilly: ‘We Can’t Kill All the Muslims’Of course we can’t. There are like 1 billion of them!
  18. photo op
    Obama Visits Fort HoodIn his address, he did not mention the word “Muslim” once. Or “terrorism.”
  19. fort hood
    FBI Had E-mails From Fort Hood Shooter to Radical Islamic ClericThis displeases many in Congress.
  20. fort hood
    Fort Hood Shooter Awake, TalkingNo motive or further information has been confirmed yet.
  21. fort hood
    Report: Fort Hood Shooter Nidal Malik Hasan Tried to Contact Al Qaeda, and CIA Knew ItA series of stories this morning indicates there were definitely warning signals that something was awry.
  22. fort hood
    Policewoman Who Took Down Ft. Hood Shooter is Basically a SuperheroMove over, Sully. There’s a new hero in town.
  23. fort hood
    Fort Hood Shooter Emptied His Apartment Before MassacreHis neighbors thought it was because he was scheduled to deploy to Afghanistan.
  24. fort hood
    Was Yesterday Obama’s ‘Pet Goat’ Moment?Obama’s remarks on the Fort Hood massacre are criticized by conservatives and compared to George W. Bush’s reaction on 9/11.
  25. fort hood
    Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan Still Alive After Killing 12, Wounding 31 at Fort HoodHasan was working as a counselor for soldiers with post-traumatic stress disorder at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington before he was transferred to Fort Hood to prepare for his own deployment later this month.
  26. scary things
    Seven Twelve Killed and Twelve Twenty Wounded in Shooting at Fort Hood, TexasLocal news stations are reporting a brutal attack.