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Fy 2018 Budget Resolution
House Narrowly Passes Budget, But Trouble’s Ahead on TaxesThe very close vote shows that the SALT deduction issue is a serious problem.
House Budget Vote Necessary, But Not Enough, in the GOP’s Tax Cut PlansThe GOP dissenters in the House’s vote on a budget resolution setting up tax cuts indicate some potential problems ahead for the GOP.
The GOP’s New Budget Tries to Keep It Simple: Big Tax Cuts for the RichDespite temptations to massively cut spending or launch a new health-care bill, the Senate is keeping its eyeson the prize of tax cuts.
Right-to-Lifers Look for a New Hostage for Their DemandsThe anti-abortion lobby is rejecting suggestions to wait until next year to defund Planned Parenthood. They want to put it in the tax bill right now.
Republicans Are Going to Take From the Poor to Give to the RichSpending cuts provide an alternative way to “pay for” GOP tax cuts. And it’s far more likely than attacks on sacred cows in the tax code.
Trump’s Tax Speech Empty of Tax Specifics, Budget ContextIt’s bad enough that the president’s “tax speech” had not a single specific proposal. He also didn’t mention how it would fit into the federal budget.