Displaying all articles tagged:

Galleon Group

  1. trials
    Rajat Gupta Was on Raj Rajaratnam’s Important People ListTestimony started today in the insider-trading trial.
  2. good ship galleon
    Danielle Chiesi Settles for $540,000 With SECBet that was one exchange that didn’t feel like an orgasm.
  3. good ship galleon
    Rajaratnam Closing Arguments Feature Cochran Impersonation, Hipster Eye Roll“If it’s public, you must acquit.”
  4. ballsy crime
    Raj Rajaratnam Seemed ‘Relaxed’ at Pretrial HearingSuspicious.
  5. beach reading
    Trading Inside Information Was ‘Like an Orgasm’ for Danielle ChiesiA “classic tale of desire and betrayal” from, er, ‘Fortune.’
  6. slips of the tongue
    Yup, Former IBM Chief and Galleon Accomplice Were Boning, U.S. Attorney’s Office ConfirmsWhat? He wouldn’t have mentioned it if it weren’t germane to the case.
  7. textual relations
    Raj Rajaratnam and Rachel Uchitel Are Upset About Being Taken Out of ContextDuh.
  8. great indignations
    Ex–Wall Street Wife Elyse Slaine Is Not HappyThe former Mrs. David Slaine has been subjected to many indignities.
  9. ballsy crimes
    Alleged Rajaratnam Co-Conspirator BucklesMcKinsey partner Anil Kumar, writer of awesome pop songs, looks ready to make a deal with prosecutors.
  10. ballsy crimes
    Raj Rajaratnam Liked Dwarfs, Stun Guns, and Hot Sauce“In the conference room was a dwarf whom Mr. Rajaratnam introduced as an analyst hired to cover ‘small-cap’ stocks.”
  11. things that might once have shocked us
    SEC Investigated Raj Rajaratnam a Decade AgoShockingly, they didn’t find anything.
  12. ballsy crime
    Analyst Who Fed Raj Rajaratnam Inside Information Was a Total CougarOr was, until she was indicted.
  13. crimes of fashion
    White Collar Crime, Without The CollarA white-collar perp walk, without the collar.
  14. ballsy crime
    How to Tell You’ve Gone Too Far With Your Financial FraudSEC enforcement director spells it out for the people at home.
  15. ballsy crime
    ‘Octopussy’ is Just the Tip of the Galleon Nickname IcebergA whole creepy cast of characters including the Greek and someone who went by the code name Artie were involved.
  16. ballsy crime
    Fourteen Arrested for Insider Trading (Updated)The ringleader was known to the SEC as “Octopussy.”
  17. ballsy crimes
    Raj Rajaratnam Tried to Get Caught But No One Would Catch HimAlmost busted in 2000 and 2001.
  18. ballsy crime
    Raj Rajaratnam Would Never Abandon All That Sweet Real Estate Just to Avoid Prison“The idea that Mr. Rajaratnam would simply abandon those properties … is neither realistic nor credible.”
  19. ballsy crime
    Before He Was Arrested for Insider Trading, Bob Was the Most Fun Guy at the OfficeThe IBM executive arrested for giving tips to the Galleon Group was known for his fun outfits and office games.
  20. ballsy crimes
    Alleged Inside-Trader Anil Kumar Is SadWhich is why it’s so weird to listen to his song, which is very, very happy.
  21. ballsy crimes
    Hedge-Funders Are Now Supposed to Be Nervous About the SECPerhaps for the first time.
  22. ballsy crime
    Rajaratnam Gave Lots of Money to the Tamil TigersThis isn’t going to end well.
  23. amazing things
    Hedge Fund Galleon Had Its Own RapThis may be the first time there’s been a shout-out to “the northeast corner of 57th and Lex” in a rap song.
  24. ballsy crime
    Hedge-Funder Raj Rajaratnam Got Cranky When People Refused to Partake in His Insider-Trading SchemeRaj Rajaratnam, the billionaire founder of New York–based hedge fund Galleon Group, has been arrested. Things look pretty bad.