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  1. early and awkward
    Graduation Speaker Blasts Students for ProtestThat led another speaker to withdraw.
  2. ink-stained wretches
    Jill Abramson Will Not Be Going to Graduation at BrandeisBut she will still speak at Wake Forest’s.
  3. education
    The Alleged Offenses of 2014’s Disinvited Commencement SpeakersFrom war crimes to not being important enough.
  4. education
    Now Even Home-School Students Get a Commencement CeremonyHome-school kids get to graduate with other home-school kids they don’t know.
  5. graduation
    Celebrity Commencement Speakers: Who’s Speaking WhereSome graduates are going to have to listen to the guy who created ‘Everybody Loves Raymond.’
  6. obama is a human person
    Few High Schools Enter Contest to Have President Obama Speak at GraduationIs it because it’s going to be really boring?