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Groundhog Day

  1. De Blasio Reportedly Considering a Presidential Run (Don’t Do It, Bill)Like all New York mayors, he can’t help seeing a future POTUS in the mirror. But there’s no reason to think voters will agree.
  2. talking about the weather
    Staten Island Chuck Doesn’t See His Shadow, Claims Early SpringThe critter also dodged an encounter with Mayor de Blasio this year.
  3. weather report
    Groundhog Predicts Endless Winter After Getting Head Stuck in CanThe police officers who rescued the rodent said he “took off without saying thank you.”
  4. groundhog day
    Grouchy Groundhog Bites Wisconsin Mayor’s EarYes, really.
  5. groundhog day
    Groundhogs Can’t Agree on Predictions for SpringIt’s almost as if we can’t rely on rodents to predict the weather.
  6. bill de blasio’s new york
    De Blasio Shouldn’t Have Held Groundhog It seems that the Staten Island Zoo violated the Animal Welfare Act.
  7. bill de blasio’s new york
    NYC Zoo Won’t Let Mayor Hold Groundhogs AnymoreProgress?
  8. scandals
    Mayor de Blasio Has Ruined Groundhog Day ForeverWe now know the truth about Chuck. Can we ever trust his highly inaccurate weather predictions again?
  9. bill de blasio’s new york
    Staten Island Groundhog Predicts More Winter After Being Dropped by De BlasioSo much for improved mayor-groundhog relations.
  10. groundhog day
    Punxsutawney Phil and Staten Island Chuck Agree Spring’s Coming Early This YearHuzzah!
  11. groundhog day
    Staten Island Chuck’s Uninformed Prediction Is Preferable to Punxsutawney Phil’sThe groundhogs disagreed this year.
  12. traditiooooon tradition!
    Punxsutawney Phil and Staten Island Chuck Predict Short WinterCan we really trust these groundhogs?
  13. traditiooooon tradition!
    Groundhogs Undermine Each Other’s Weather PredictionsCould it be that this system is flawed?
  14. photo op
    Staten Island’s Spring Awakening Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this morning, and so did Holtsville Hal on Long Island. But the only weather marmot residing in New York City — Staten Island Chuck — woke up, saw no shadow, and thus allows us to confidently predict spring will come early for our fair (if, granted, soon to be inundated) city. The good people at Gothamist provide the picture we’ve been looking for, and it reminds us — in case we’ve forgotten — that Brooklyn Chuck will never miss a chance for a photo op. Early Spring, Says Staten Island Chuck [Gothamist]
  15. the morning line
    There Either Will or Will Not Be Six More Weeks of Winter • We can all agree it’s Groundhog Day, but there’s little agreement beyond that. Contradictory early-morning behavior from local groundhogs Staten Island Chuck, Holtsville Hal, and Malverne Phil casts uncertainty on the duration of winter. [Newsday] • Hillary Clinton has announced that her presidential fund-raisers must pony up a record-breaking $1 million apiece to make her BFF inner circle. (By comparison, Dubya’s BFF benchmark in 2000 was a trifling $100,000.) The burning question: Should the HRC BFFs be called “Pathfinders” or the naughtier “Hillraisers”? [NYT] • Just in time for Black History Month, and egged on by rap legend Kurtis Blow, the City Council ponders a resolution to urge all New Yorkers to stop using the N-word. And even when you end it with an a, dawg. [amNY] • In the political equivalent of wearing the same dress to the dance, ‘08 rivals Giuliani and McCain learned they’d be sharing top billing in May at a big New York State GOP fund-raiser — and some party insiders are calling it a major dis to Rudy. [NYP] • One day after he suggested that Barack Obama was the first black presidential candidate to master both English and personal hygiene, Senator Joe Biden hit Al Sharpton’s radio show to insist he had the highest regard for the Rev’s syntax. [NYDN]