Displaying all articles tagged:

Gun Laws

  1. barack obama
    The President (No, Not That One) Speaks Out On the ShootingsObama spoke clearly on a subject his successor addressed as though he was speaking at gunpoint.
  2. GOP Gubernatorial Candidate: Primary Was About Who Could Be the CraziestIn the latest gleaning from a secret tape of Georgia GOP gubernatorial front-runner Casey Cagle, he admits his party’s kinda nuts.
  3. Rhode Island Becomes Latest State to Pass New Gun-Reform LawsThe state banned bump stocks and set up a process to seize firearms from those deemed a risk.
  4. Trump’s Gun Agenda Could Bring Armed Tourists to the Streets of New York CityTrump wants to make concealed-carry permits from one state valid in all 50.
  5. School Gives Trigger Warnings to Armed StudentsAt public universities in Texas, the Second Amendment is in a standoff with the First.
  6. U of Texas Allows Guns in Classrooms, Not DormsJust don’t go waving it around during your seminar for early American lit.
  7. TSA Finds Record Number of Guns at Airport CheckpointsEither the TSA is getting better or Americans are carrying more guns.
  8. gun control
    New York Gun Bill, Passed by Senate, Keeps Pistol Permits Private [Updated]Senate passed the bill 43 to 18.