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Haiti Earthquake

  1. haiti
    Haiti Needs $3 Billion to RebuildRich countries pledge to think about it.
  2. haiti
    Hope for Haiti Telethon Raises $57 MillionThe album of all the performances was the No. 1 iTunes sale in eighteen countries this weekend.
  3. haiti earthquake
    84-Year-Old Woman Reported Rescued From Rubble in HaitiTen days after the first quake devastated Haiti, a woman is found still alive by rescue teams.
  4. haiti earthquake
    Haiti Evacuating 400,000 From Capital AreaIn order to prevent the further spread of disease, officials are trying to break up massive, squalid refugee camps around Port-au-Prince.
  5. in other news
    If Anderson Cooper Can’t Win After an Earthquake, When Can He Win?Maybe never. Or at least at a different time slot.
  6. the jerk store
    John Edwards Is in HaitiThank God.
  7. haiti
    For Many in Haiti, Only Hope for Survival Is Trip to United StatesMeanwhile, the government is preparing to issue up to 200,000 temporary protected status visas.
  8. haiti
    Magnitude 6.0 Aftershock Hits HaitiMeanwhile, American troops are gaining control of the situation in Port-au-Prince.
  9. haiti earthquake
    New Yorkers Struggle to Save Lives in HaitiA search-and-rescue team and a group of doctors race against time.
  10. haiti
    George W. Bush and Bill Clinton Release a Joint PSAThe ex-presidents join together to help Haiti. Awkwardly.
  11. haiti
    Text Donations to Haiti: the Good News and the (Slightly) Bad NewsIt’s actually faster to donate online.
  12. satire
    Satan’s Open Letter to Pat RobertsonMinneapolis Star-Tribune reader pens the perfect antidote to Pat’s Hate.
  13. haiti
    Anderson Cooper: ‘There’s Just Stupid Death Happening Here Now’“People will die tonight, in the next hour, who do not need to die.”
  14. earthquakes
    Local NBC Reporter Catches Aerial Footage of Port-au-Prince WreckageThe footage shows the devastated city from a new angle.
  15. sad things
    U.S. Troops Arrive in Haiti Amid Leadership VacuumStill, chaos reigns.
  16. in other news
    President Obama to Write Newsweek’s Haiti Cover StoryWell, his name will be on it at least.