Displaying all articles tagged:


  1. peace in the middle east
    Tel Aviv Rocked by Bus BombingMemories of the second intifada.
  2. international affairs
    Airstrike Levels Hamas Prime Minister’s OfficesMeanwhile, Hamas fired rockets at Tel Aviv.
  3. photo op
    Awkward Moments in Journalism HistoryGilad Shalit gave an interview with Hamas militants behind him.
  4. international intrigue
    One Israeli Soldier = 1,027 Palestinian PrisonersIsrael has reached a deal with Hamas for the return of Gilad Shalit.
  5. foreign relations
    Egypt Will Permanently Reopen Its Border With the Gaza StripJust wait ‘til Israel finds out about this.
  6. revolt like an egyptian
    Hamas Refuses to Take Sides in SyriaMeanwhile, in the rest of the Middle East …
  7. israel
    Eight Killed in Israeli Attack on Gaza StripWomp-womp.
  8. ground zero mosque
    Let the Mosque-Funding Witch Hunt Commence!The ‘Post’ found a shady, terror-friendly financier. Or did it?
  9. ground zero mosque
    Hamas Gives Counterproductive Thumbs-up to Ground Zero MosqueThanks, Hamas!
  10. israel
    Netanyahu: ‘Israel Plans to Ease Blockade of Gaza’ to Specified Items“There is a green light approval for all goods to enter into Gaza except for military items.”
  11. international intrigue
    Israel to Ease Gaza Blockade a SmidgePalestine is not impressed.
  12. early and often
    Obama in Cairo: ‘Let There Be No Doubt, Islam Is a Part of America’The president’s much-anticipated speech to the Muslim world called for an alliance and a new beginning.
  13. early and often
    Bloomberg Takes Cover Under Hamas Rocket FireBut was he scared? Fuhgeddaboudit!
  14. early and often
    All the Right People Criticize Obama Over IranForeign policy is clearly where McCain feels he’s stronger than Obama. Of course, the punditry is divided over whether that’s actually the case.
  15. company town
    Lies and the Lying Arabs Who Tell ThemMEDIA • The New Republic pulled back on its long-embattled “Baghdad Diarist” series, admitting they could no longer stand behind the author, an army private serving in Iraq. Meanwhile, The National Review suffered its own Middle Eastern credibility scandal and struck back in a novel way: “As one of our sources put it: ‘The Arab tendency to lie and exaggerate about enemies is alive and well among pro-American Lebanese Christians as much as it is with the likes of Hamas.’” Yikes. [NYT Mixed Media/Portfolio] • Big layoffs ahead at NBC News? “There are going to be firings very soon — everybody is terrified,” according to a “former network insider,” who claims tens of millions in cuts will happen in the next two weeks. [Jossip] • New NBC programming honcho Ben Silverman is looking to clear up a conflict of interest and cash in on his old production company, which Elisabeth Murdoch, daughter to Rupe, is buying for around $200 million. Not bad for a guy who built his career on stealing foreign shows like The Office and Ugly Betty and then repackaging them for the U.S.[NYP]