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  1. Blame-Game Lessons From the Last Government ShutdownResponsibility can be pinned on one party if there’s evidence to support it — but the effect may be ephemeral.
  2. Heathcare.gov to Go Down for Maintenance During Obamacare Enrollment PeriodAt a minimum, it’s negligent. But also could be the Trump administration’s latest attempt to sabotage Obamacare.
  3. do no harm
    Healthcare.gov Subjected to Utterly Unsexy HackLawmakers are still pretty upset about it.
  4. silicon nation
    What Silicon Valley Doesn’t Get About Government TechFixing infrastructure is risky business.
  5. comings and goings
    Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius Resigns [Updated]After overseeing the buggy rollout of healthcare.gov. 
  6. obamacare
    Obamacare Reached Its (Revised) Enrollment Goal More than 6 million sign-ups.
  7. do no harm
    Blame Obama for Latest Round of Mom’s NaggingCelebrate Christmas with a family debate about your health coverage.
  8. obamacare
    Healthcare.gov Seems to Be Working NowThere were about 29,000 enrollments in two days, more than during all of October.
  9. do no harm
    White House Says Healthcare.gov Should Work NowAbout 90 percent of the time, anyway.
  10. do no harm
    Healthcare.gov Is Sort of Fixed, As Long As Everybody Doesn’t Sign On at OnceMission (technically) accomplished!
  11. obamacare
    Healthcare.gov Couldn’t Handle 500 VisitorsYes, it was really broken.
  12. the internet
    Everything We Now Know About Adriana, the Obamacare WomanShe speaks, and is not happy.
  13. do no harm
    HealthCare.gov Probably Won’t Be Fixed by the White House’s DeadlinePhone and paper applications aren’t working well either.
  14. geeks to the rescue!
    As Healthcare.gov Falters, Silicon Valley CringesThe government’s tech debacle is “state-of-the-art incompetence,” according to tech’s peanut gallery.
  15. obamacare
    Obamacare Website Not As Convenient As Online ShoppingFirst-week traffic stats are here.