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Heartbeat Bill

  1. abortion
    Democrats Play Key Role in Louisiana Abortion BanWhat is unique about Louisiana’s “heartbeat” bill is that a Democratic legislator wrote it and a Democratic governor will sign it.
  2. abortion
    Early-Term Abortion Bans Open Rift in Anti-Abortion MovementThey all agree on the goal of banning all abortions everywhere, but they disagree on the means of getting there and on how open to be about it.
  3. christian right
    Georgia’s Christian Right Had a Bad WeekGeorgia may pay a price for its anti-abortion “heartbeat bill,” and its insurance commissioner is in deep trouble for alleged corruption.
  4. Steps the Next Supreme Court Might Take to Roll Back Abortion RightsKennedy’s retirement doesn’t mean Roe will be overturned immediately, but a more conservative Court is likely to allow many new abortion restrictions.