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  1. white women with dolls
    Huguette Clark’s Relatives Will Probably Get Some of Her Money After All A “tentative settlement” has been reached in the dispute over the reclusive heiress’s fortune.
  2. best-dressed shut-ins
    Huguette Clark Had a Pretty Substantial Collection of JewelsDiamonds are a doll-lover’s best friend.
  3. white girls with money
    Lydia Hearst Sues Gotham Publisher Jason BinnThis seems like poor planning.
  4. family drama
    Relatives and Lawyers Keep Disrupting Hospital-Bedridden Heiress’s Escape From the WorldHuguette Clark’s relatives have entered the picture.
  5. fortunes spent strangely
    Reclusive 104-Year-Old Heiress Has Been Living in the Hospital for Twenty YearsWhile her homes lay vacant, her lawyer is under investigation for mishandling her $500 million fortune.
  6. lifestyles of the rich and famous
    Faded Heiress Enters the Hospital“I am big. It’s the pictures that got small!”