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High Speed Rail

  1. transit woes
    The Battle Over High-Speed Rail Money Is Part of Trump’s War on CaliforniaTrump’s focus on the California high-speed rail project curtailed by Governor Gavin Newsom is about more than his desire to recoup some federal money.
  2. high-speed rail
    Newsom Derails Jerry Brown’s Pet High-Speed Rail ProjectThe project has been far over-budget, behind schedule, and not very popular. The only surprise was how rapidly Newsom gave it the heave-ho.
  3. transportation
    Off-Schedule and Over-Budget, California’s Bullet Train Is in Big TroubleNew Governor Gavin Newsom is promising a “fresh start” on Jerry Brown’s pet project.
  4. Democrats Should Tell Voters What Else They Could Get for $1.5 TrillionThe GOP plans to add that to the deficit to pay for regressive tax cuts. For the same price, we could have universal day care and high-speed rail.
  5. Trump Aims to Pass $1 Trillion Infrastructure Plan Right After Tax CutsOnce he’s done with Obamacare and tax reform, Trump hopes to fund highway renovation, high-speed rail, and, possibly, Elon Musk’s Hyperloop.