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How Do You Solve A Problem Like North Korea?

  1. how do you solve a problem like north korea?
    North Korea Has a Meth ProblemIt’s replaced opium as their drug of choice.
  2. how do you solve a problem like north korea?
    Obama Tries to Spot Kim Jong UnThe president used a pair of binoculars to peer into the de-militarized zone.
  3. how do you solve a problem like north korea?
    Kim Jong-Il Skimped on Party Favors for His Super-Sweet 69th BirthdayThey’re stockpiling food rations for Kim Jong-Il Sr.’s party next year.
  4. how do you solve a problem like north korea?
    North Korea Threatens to Give South Korea a Nuclear ‘Holy War’ for Christmas“Our revolutionary forces are making preparations to begin a holy war.”