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Immigration Enforcement

  1. Will Trump Make or Break an Immigration Deal?The odds of any legislation making it through the abattoir of both houses of Congress is limited at best — unless Trump gives Republicans cover.
  2. Acting ICE Director Wants to Arrest Politicians Running Sanctuary CitiesThomas Homan is coming for California governor Jerry Brown.
  3. As the Parties Have Polarized on Immigration Policy, Hispanic Vote Stays StableThe major parties have been rapidly separating on immigration policy in the very recent past. But other factors have kept the Hispanic vote stable.
  4. Report: Motel 6 Is Helping ICE Arrest Undocumented Guests in Arizona“We send a report every morning to ICE — all the names of everybody that comes in,” a front-desk clerk said.
  5. Are Employers Using Trump’s ICE Agents to Intimidate Workers?Instead of cracking down on employers who hire the undocumented, some ICE agents are allegedly helping them underpay their immigrant workers.
  6. Police Union Head Says NYC Cops Want to Help ICE Deport More People“Make no mistake about it, the members of law enforcement in the NYPD want to cooperate with ICE.”