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  1. abortion
    Gun Guy Mark McCloskey Wants to Ban Abortions for Victims of Incestuous RapeThe GOP Senate hopeful who pointed guns at protesters wants to run wild with abortion policy in Missouri, the home of Todd “Legitimate Rape” Akin.
  2. abortion
    Steve King Discusses the Sunny Side of Rape and IncestThe embattled old nativist opens up a new front of outrageous comments on abortion.
  3. incest
    New Jersey Lawmaker Plans to Introduce Bill Banning IncestCan we take credit for this one?
  4. incest
    New Jersey Republican Wants to Finally Ban IncestAfter reading a New York story about a girl and her dad.
  5. catholics
    Televangelist Priest Confesses Affair With CousinNotes from a scandal.
  6. school daze
    Columbia Professor Charged with IncestPolitical Science Professor David Epstein is now on administrative leave.
  7. intel
    Let’s Never Hear About Austrian Incest Dad Ever AgainSeriously — can we all agree on that?