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Interview Magazine

  1. ink-stained wretches
    Managing Editor Alexandra Mack Out at InterviewBut after an incredibly tumultuous couple of years, things have been relatively quiet over there.
  2. client 9
    Eliot Spitzer: ‘I Don’t Think The Wall Street Journal Has the Foggiest Idea of What Capitalism Is All About’In an ‘Interview’ piece, the former governor goes after his most recent nemesis.
  3. ink-stained wretches
    Glenn O’Brien Out at InterviewThe editorial director for Brant Publications has left.
  4. great divorces
    Stephanie Seymour and Peter Brant in Divorce ShockerWe don’t understand how this could have happened.
  5. company town
    Rupert Murdoch to ‘Make’ Less Money Than Last YearHe only made $27.5 million in company compensation this year. Plus, Kent Brownridge steps down from ‘Maxim,’ Damon Dash has real-estate troubles, and more, in our daily industry roundup.
  6. gossipmonger
    John Mayer Continues to Be the Salvation of Celebrity JournalismHe’s dancing on tables, he’s refusing hot blondes. Thank God, really. That and more in our daily gossip roundup.
  7. cultural capital
    Barbara Makes Herself Cry on ‘Oprah’Barbara Walters talks about her affair on Oprah Winfrey, and we try not to picture her having sex.
  8. in other news
    Ingrid Sischy and Sandra Brant to Helm ‘Vanity Fair’ AbroadDon’t cry for Ingrid Sischy. After she abruptly departed her eighteen-year position as editor-in-chief of Interview magazine, and her girlfriend Sandra Brant (you remember her – she used to be married to Peter Brant) sold her half-ownership stake in the parent company Brant Publications, people were wondering what she was going to do with her life. After all, for nearly two decades her name was synonymous with Andy Warhol’s gritty, authentic magazine. But it turns out she’s had a great plan all along! Condé Nast HR mouthpiece WWD tells us that both Sischy and Brant will be international editors of Italian, Spanish, and German versions of Vanity Fair. And, what’s more, they’ll helm any future glamorous expansions abroad. Which is great news for them, probably, but it also raises the question: Is this the biggest lesbian sellout since Anne Heche ditched chicks? Sischy, Brant Join Vanity Fair International Editions [WWD]
  9. company town
    William Kristol Has the Gray Lady’s Knickers in a TwistMEDIA • Both Times public editor Clark Hoyt and former Times conservative standby William Safire have panned Arthur “Pinch” Sulzberger’s decision to foist William Kristol on the editorial page. Among the other conservatives considered and passed over: Charles Krauthammer, Ross Douthat, Max Boot, and a bunch of other Weekly Standard stalwarts. But at least Judith Miller approves: “[I]t’s an appointment that’s a long time coming. The page needed balance.… [But] an unabashed neocon without remorse is unacceptable to Times people.… He’s not kosher in that sense.” [New Republic] • New York Observer president Robert Sommer nailed his MSNBC interview: “We like to view our readers as some of the smartest, most insensitive — most… Some of the most brightest readers in the country and especially New York.” [NYO] • David Blum goes through his fifth sex columnist in little more than a year, firing his latest hire at the New York Press after she stole questions from Dan Savage. Some might call that slutty! [NYO]