Displaying all articles tagged:

Irving Picard

  1. madeoff
    Bernie Madoff Trustee Allowed to Pay Less Back After Appeals Court WinIrving Picard’s calculation method was approved in spite of victims’ complaints.
  2. made-off
    Madoff Trustee Wants $43.2 Million for Four Months of WorkFamiliar feelings.
  3. made-off
    Top SEC Lawyer Sued for $1.5 Million in Fictitious Madoff GainsWell, THIS is awkward.
  4. made-off
    Bernie Madoff’s Debts Have Fallen Even Further Down the Family TreeFive Madoff grandchildren are named in lawsuits to recover funds for Ponzi scheme victims.
  5. made-off
    Madoff Trustee Spends Money to Make MoneyIrving Picard spent $26.9 million to recover $849,000.
  6. the fabulous noels
    Madoff Trustee: ‘Boundless Avarice’ Fueled Noels, Others to Commit FraudMadoff trustee Irving Picard rips Bernie’s feeder fund a new one.
  7. made-off
    Firms Cleaning Up Madoff Mess Are Raking In the CashAt least someone is.
  8. made-off
    Madoff Bankruptcy Trustee Drops One Claim Against Merkin, Eleven RemainJ. Ezra Merkin’s funds are still getting sued for $564.6 million, but some of that money will have to come from the funds that lost it all.
  9. made-off
    Irving Picard Gets No Thank-yous, Lemonade From Madoff VictimsThe trustee of the Madoff estate is loathed by mostly everyone. :(
  10. the fabulous noels
    Noels Targeted As Madoff Accomplices in SuitNow the trustee charged with recouping money for defrauded investors says that Fairfield Greenwich executives knew too much to be innocent, and owe billions for their collusion.
  11. made-off
    Welcome to the Home Prison of Bernie Madoff!Real-estate brokers have been invited to visit the Ponzi schemer’s house, while he’s still in it! Awkwardness ensues.