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  1. politics
    DeSantis Booed and Heckled at Vigil for Jacksonville VictimsThe Florida governor was not warmly received by a crowd mourning the racist shooting in Jacksonville over the weekend.
  2. vision 2020
    Most Republican Convention Speeches Will Be Delivered From D.C.Trump will likely speak from the White House, with others stationed at a federally owned hall near his hotel. They’ve come a long way from Charlotte.
  3. vision 2020
    The Disappearing National Political ConventionWhether they are gone for good or make a comeback down the road, the old-school national political conventions are over for now.
  4. vision 2020
    Trump Cancels Jacksonville Convention Activities, Including His Big SpeechNow two cities, his party, and his campaign are having to reboot yet again as Trump finally abandons his fantasy of a packed hall chanting his name.
  5. vision 2020
    Democrats Planning Convention That Looks Like America: Hunkered DownDemocrats are being careful and limiting the main stage in Milwaukee to the bare minimum of events.
  6. vision 2020
    Republican National Convention Becoming a Dumpster FireOptions for safely holding a big Trump celebration in Jacksonville are shrinking as it becomes a major COVID-19 hotspot.
  7. vision 2020
    Why the Convention Trump Wants to Have Is Worse Than UselessEven in the unlikely event Trump’s self-celebration in Jacksonville goes off as planned, convention “bounces” may be a thing of the past.
  8. vision 2020
    Mask Requirement Imposed by Jacksonville, Trump’s Handpicked Convention CityIt’s looking like Trump’s dream for an acceptance speech in a packed hall of unmasked fans is running into local opposition again.
  9. vision 2020
    Democrats Pull Trigger on a (Mostly) Virtual ConventionBiden will speak in Milwaukee, but without delegates. Neither, Democrats hope, will a coronavirus outbreak be present, which Republicans can’t assure.
  10. vision 2020
    Trump Puts the Fear of the Coronavirus Into JacksonvilleThe city to which the president moved his big convention celebration isn’t entirely happy about the risk to public health it poses.
  11. vision 2020
    Report: Republicans Moving Trump’s Convention Celebration to JacksonvilleBoring parts of the event will still be held in Charlotte, but Trump wants the big moment to be in a place run by his party.
  12. the future is coming
    Farmville Is Killing Babies NowA Florida mom kills her baby for interrupting Farmville.