Displaying all articles tagged:

Jay Walder

  1. hyperloop!
    Virgin Hyperloop One’s First Project Will Be in IndiaJay Walder is the new CEO.
  2. urban planning
    The Bright Future of Citi BikeAfter five years, the system is nimble and popular, and costs the taxpayer nothing — and still has the power to transform the city.
  3. stand clear of the closing doors
    Outgoing MTA Chairman Is Doing Some Touristy Stuff Before He Leaves the CityEveryone has a New York bucket list.
  4. stand clear of the closing doors
    MTA Boss Says No Fare Hike In 2010But yes fare hike in 2011.
  5. stand clear of the closing doors
    MTA Devolving Before Our EyesNew MTA chief Jay Walder is called a “doody-head.”
  6. stand clear of the closing doors
    New MTA Chief Wants Lower Fares on Nights and WeekendsAnd that’s just one of his hugely ambitious goals.
  7. stand clear of the closing doors
    Paterson to Name Jay Walder to Run MTAAccording to the governor, he will take the agency in “a different direction.”