Displaying all articles tagged:

Jeffrey Rosen

  1. politics
    Trump Nearly Enlisted the Justice Department in His Coup SchemeA high-ranking DOJ official wanted to urge GOP legislators to steal Biden’s win, but colleagues rebuffed him. Next time we might not be so lucky.
  2. politics
    Trump Tried to Force DOJ to Back His 2020 Election CoupLong after the 2020 election was decided, Trump relentlessly used all the mechanisms available to the executive branch to overturn his loss.
  3. politics
    Trump Repeatedly Pressured Justice Department to Help Overturn ElectionAfter DOJ leaders refused to file a Supreme Court lawsuit, Trump nearly fired the acting attorney general just days before the attack on Congress.
  4. politics
    Trump’s Nominee for Deputy AG Won’t Say Brown v. Board Was Rightly DecidedThe prospective number-two DOJ official, which enforces civil rights laws, wouldn’t endorse the most important Supreme Court civil rights decision.