Displaying all articles tagged:

Jell O

  1. important ceilings
    John Boehner Will Eat His Peas If Obama Stops Acting Like Melted Jell-OWhat the hell is going on?
  2. company town
    Eliot Spitzer Hires Guides to Keep Him From Washing Down River of DespairLAW • Eliot Spitzer has been careful about the lawyers he’s selected to protect him against potential charges related to his activities with random twentysomething hookers, hiring a set of heavy hitters from white-collar crime specialists Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison. He’s right to be choosy: “Hiring a lawyer is not unlike selecting a river guide,” the Times says today. “One wants a professional who not only steers clear of the rapids but does so in a reassuring manner. It also helps if he knows what to do should the boat hit the rocks.” Yeah. That’s just how we would have put it. [NYT] • A New York court rules that the daughter of a Jell-O heiress is not entitled to a taste of the multi-million-dollar fortune. [New York Law Journal] • Is Hillary Clinton’s legal background hindering her campaign? [Law.com]