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Jimmy Breslin

  1. Jimmy Breslin, 1928–2017: He Knew How to Play This GameThe great columnist is gone.
  2. Jimmy Breslin: ‘What Happens Is the Splendor Drains Out of Life’And other poetry from the legendary columnist.
  3. obit
    Norman Mailer for Mayor of New York, 1969As friends and family paid respects to Norman Mailer at his wake in Provincetown, Massachusetts, yesterday, we decided to dig up our part of one of Mailer’s most colorful personal stories: when he ran for mayor in 1969. “I am paying my debt to society,” he told Time that summer. “That is why I am running.” He ran alongside newspaper columnist Jimmy Breslin, who ran for City Council president. They began their campaign at the urging of friends like Gloria Steinem and Jack Newfield, at a time when they saw the city as a wounded place in need of healing. Breslin recounted his experience of running, and how Mailer convinced him to do it, in a May 1969 New York cover story. Click below to read. MAILER-BRESLIN: Seriously? [NYM, pdf]