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John R. Macarthur

  1. The Puzzling Metaphysics of John R. MacArthur’s Internet HateQuestions for America’s foremost internet skeptic.
  2. ink-stained wretches
    Rick MacArthur Quits Columbia Spectator BoardThe student paper is going “web-first” and journalism’s resident dinosaur does not approve — at all.
  3. ink-stained wretches
    A Brief History of John R. MacArthur Hating the InternetThe Harper’s publisher is still not a fan.
  4. harper’s magazine
    MacArthur Unsure of What to Do With Public Donations for Harper’sNot even $30,000.
  5. harper’s magazine
    Harper’s Union Members Now Begging for DonationsThis is getting to be unladylike.
  6. harper’s magazine
    Harper’s Union Spat Intensifies As Big-Name Authors Weigh In [Updated]Jonathan Lethem, Zadie Smith, and other literary notables press the publisher to accept union demands.
  7. harper’s magazine
    Venerable Lefties at Harper’s Divided by UnionIn a strange, ironic endgame, liberal owner John R. MacArthur is fighting against a unionized staff.