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John Stewart

  1. early and awesome
    ‘Entertainment Weekly’ Re-Creates Controversial Obama-As-Terrorist ‘New Yorker’ CoverAnd they did it with Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart, even better than the original!
  2. in other news
    Late-Night Hosts Take the Spitzer Ball and, Um, Dribble With It If any good could come from the Eliot Spitzer scandal, it’s that the late-night shows have some of their best source material since Bill Clinton requested the definition of the word “is.” So with that in mind, we fired up our DVR for the most promising night of comedy in years. And boy, were we disappointed. Letterman, predictably, was funny enough, opening his monologue by asking whether it was too soon to hit on Mrs. Eliot Spitzer, then telling a handful of jokes (“Did you happen to see the press conference? Very dramatic. Eliot Spitzer was there with yellow crime-scene tape around his pants”). The Times has a complete rundown of every joke, if you’re interested. Seated back at his desk, Letterman read off a Top Ten List of Eliot Spitzer excuses (No. 8: Just trying to help the economy!).
  3. intel
    Blogging ‘The Colbert Report’Last night, like you, we were thrilled to sit down and watch The Daily Show and The Colbert Report as they returned from their WGA–strike-induced hiatus. It was going to be great, we assumed. Either that, or it was going to suck, which would also kind of be great, in the whole “this will get us a lot of mileage by the office soda machine tomorrow” kind of way. So we tuned in, AND, in a Daily Intel first, we IMed about it with our culturally superior colleague, the Vulture blog. As it turned out, the two shows weren’t all laughs and rubber faces. In fact, The Daily Show turned out to be a bit of a tough act to swallow (and follow; as a lead-in, it must have cost The Colbert Report some viewers). Since Vulture knows more about the nuances of the writers’ strike, they are hosting our conversation about Jon Stewart’s somber effort. But below, here’s what Vulture editor Dan Kois and Intel editor Chris Rovzar had to say about last night’s glorious episode of Colbert: Kois: HAHAHAHAH. “This is the ColberT ReporT.” Rovzar: HAHAHA. We’re already laughing! He pronounced it the white-trashy way. Kois: Wow. Rovzar: Did you read that GQ story about when he changed his last name at Northwestern? I loved that. Kois: No! Rovzar: It used to actually be COLbert. With the “t” pronounced, when he grew up in South Carolina or whatever Kois: So he just did it to be intentionally snooty? Awesome. ColBERTian, actually.